Marketing Solutions for Software Publishers

globe redTechnology is increasingly shrinking the size of the world in the eyes of the marketer.  Selling your software product in a single country or language is no longer adequate enough to sustain a business’s long term growth in today’s highly competitive market. Through our various involvements in multinational campaigns we have found the strategies that work from one country to the next.  Knowing how to leverage different elements such as an audience’s preferences for a specific language and currency is vital in capitalizing on your products full potential.

Online Advertising

Centering on finding your true target audience we utilize various advertising channels to directly market to your potential customers. By creating scalable marketing campaigns, you are sure to be found wherever your product is searched for or being discussed.  Multivariable testing is used for both the advertisements and their relative landing pages to ensure we are earning as many sales as possible and getting the most out of every marketing dollar spent.  With advertising networks abilities to span across the globe, we can market your product in every continent with targeted languages to fully maximize your market base. Comprehensive tracking and data analysis gives us full knowledge of where each dollar is spent and where each sale is derived from, allowing us to grow and optimize your campaigns as the market and product life cycle evolves.

A/B Testing

Today’s internet user knows what they are looking for when they begin a search, and want to find it fast. For the marketer this means that when the customer finds your page they need to immediately find the answer to their problem or else they will move on to the next result.  A/B testing requires much more then posting relevant content. It means making the site, and each of its pages as user friendly and attractive as possible.  Some of the smallest changes such as using a specific color or placement of a download button can make the difference between a sale and wasted advertising dollars. Our experience and proven success has given us the tools necessary to test and enhance your site to deliver the maximum number of sales possible.

Creative & Design

In the modern online marketplace a company needs more than a flashy banner ad or comical sales pitch to get a user’s attention. Creating meaningful, thought provoking designs and content is what brings in relevant customers to your business. Knowing that very little in this world is perfect we look to continually test and improve our projects to make the incremental gains necessary to separate a business from its competition. This methodology is used in every step of the sales cycle, starting from the initial advertisement to the final purchasing process.